Our staff are here to help. To reach a member of our team call 905-432-8470.
Administrator |
Title |
Phone Extension |
Dave Chambers |
Principal |
Andrea Sullivan |
Vice-Principal |
Lori Paterson |
Vice-Principal |
Name |
Title |
Phone Extension |
Denise Colterman-Fox |
Chaplain |
57109 |
Administrative Assistant |
Title |
Phone Extension |
Sarah Bishop |
Secondary School Senior Administrative & Financial Assistant |
54000 |
Michelle Nanou
Secondary School Administrative Assistant, Attendance |
54005 |
Support Staff |
Title |
Phone Extension |
M. Whyte |
22118 |
R. Smallbone |
Social Worker |
22194 |
Guidance / Co-Op |
Title |
Phone Extension |
I. MacAdam |
Curriculum Chair |
54008 |
T. Ashton |
Co-Op |
54009 |
M. Ilasz |
Guidance Counsellor, Intermediate Guidance Teacher |
54014 |
R. Daminato |
OYAP, Construction and Tech |
54013 |
Lisa Johnson |
Secondary School Administrative Assistant, Guidance |
54007 |
Custodian |
Title |
Phone Extension |
F. Luckasavitch
Chief |
54022 |
R. Vandenberg
Custodian |
42152 |
D. Pare |
Evening Lead |
41226 |
L. MacDonald |
Custodian |
41214 |
T. Bouman |
Custodian |
41279 |
D. MacCarl |
Custodian |
41973 |
Educational Assistant |
Title |
Phone Extension |
L. Allan |
Educational Assistant |
40198 |
S. Daley |
Educational Assistang |
40445 |
R. Fearon |
Educational Assistant |
40218 |
S. Gilliland |
Educational Assistant |
41245 |
G. Goooding |
Educational Assistant |
41239 |
R. Hasmani |
Educational Assistant |
41941 |
M. Lefever |
Educational Assistant |
40557 |
K. McLaren |
Educational Assistant |
41978 |
A. Robitaille |
Educational Assistant |
41889 |
H. Seabright |
Educational Assistant |
41944 |
H. Simpson |
Educational Assistant |
41251 |
N. Sloper |
Educational Assistant |
40062 |
J. Smith |
Educational Assistant |
40552 |
M Wolbert |
Educational Assistant |
41259 |
Cafeteria and Lunch Supervisors |
Title |
Phone Extension |
A. Chizoba |
Lunch Supervisor |
K. Kehoe |
Lunch Supervisor |
S. Kumarawel |
Lunch Supervisor |
R. Matose |
Lunch Supervisor |
D. Onyekatu |
Lunch Supervisor |
M. Riddell |
Lunch Supervisor |
L. Hill |
Compass Group Cafeteria |
Program Support |
Title |
Phone Extension |
E. Curran |
Program Support Elementary |
54012 |
L. White |
Program Support Elementary |
54002 |
S. McKenna |
Program Support Secondary |
40420 |
A. Poczekaj |
CC Program Support Secondary |
54011 |
Teacher |
Department/Subject |
Phone Extension |
A. Bell |
Student Success and Science |
54023 |
J. Bianchi |
Grade 7 |
41332 |
A. Brigham |
English, ESL and Religion |
40631 |
D. Bruno |
Grade 8 |
40609 |
D. Cardinal |
Religion |
41228 |
H. Chartier |
Grade 7/8 Library and French |
A. Coghlan |
Science |
40630 |
C. Collicutt |
French |
41185 |
K. Couch |
Grade 7 |
41253 |
J. Crosbie |
Physical Education |
54017 |
A. Dunslow |
Grade 7 |
40034 |
I. Fabiili |
Religion |
42027 |
B. Fine |
Geography |
41045 |
S. Flores |
Science |
41878 |
L. Forest |
Librarian |
54015 |
S. Fortier |
Math |
41700 |
H. Fournier-Tighe |
English |
40568 |
M. Girard |
French - Elementary |
42325 |
M. Guzzo-Foliaro |
English and French |
40162 |
A. Headley |
CC English & Modern Languages |
40047 |
A. Isnor |
Credit Recovery |
54028 |
J. Joseph |
Tech and Math |
41337 |
S. Linnell |
Grade 8 |
40612 |
K. Liivoja |
Grade 8 |
40863 |
C. Masterson |
CC Science |
41254 |
D. Michaud |
CC Mathematics |
41225 |
S. Mielke |
Tech, CWS, Guidance |
41255 |
W. O'Neill |
Drama and Music |
42049 |
J. Osier |
CC Canadian World Studies |
41230 |
L. Politano |
CC Physical Education |
54016 |
E. Rajanayagam |
Grade 7 |
40281 |
S. Gomes |
Religion, Guidance and Program Support |
40600 |
M. Singson |
Math |
40604 |
N. Somichan |
Geography |
42430 |
L. Thompson |
CC Business/Tech |
54019 |
M. Tice |
Grade 8 |
41343 |
J. Tone |
CC Arts |
40597 |